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Celebrating women in precinct management

From corporate governance and operations management to communications and chairing the board, our Urban MGT ladies are committed to creating sustainable, investor-friendly spaces where businesses and the general public can thrive. Read on to find out more about what these talented women say about the work they do:

Nwabisa Mkhize, Bridge City Precinct Manager

Bridge City Management Association precinct manager Nwabisa Mkhize has a knack for operations, project and financial management. She loves getting things done and being part of the team that is helping shape the future of Bridge City. She gets frustrated with things she has no control over such as waiting for municipal fault repairs or property owners not adhering to the management association’s rules. About working for a managed precinct she says: “Our work undoubtedly enhances property values which is what every investor desires while the general public can enjoy a clean and safe space that offers a great sense of arrival.”

Barbara Shingler, Chairman of the Ballito UIP

Managing Director of Ballito Estates, Barbara Shingler is also the Chairman of the Ballito UIP board. Her role includes chairing board meetings and providing oversite for the UIP’s general performance. Having lived in Ballito for 46 years she’s passionate about the town and loves rolling up her sleeves alongside the UIP to protect investor interests and ensure the designated area remains safe, clean and green. “The UIP also provides a platform for property owners to collectively drive the Ballito vision,” she states. On what she loves about the town she says: “Ballito is a safe and friendly place to raise a family. At a time where technology keeps youngsters indoors, the town offers ample opportunities for kids to get outside for some fresh air and fun.”

Joanne Barnard, Head of Corporate Governance & Company Secretariat, Urban MGT

Corporate governance is increasingly necessary for creating effective, sustainable and ethical organisations and are vital in precinct management. Jo’s role ensures that the boards of directors act in the best interests of precinct members, aligned with a precinct’s Memorandum of Incorporation, the Companies Act of 2008 and other Governance Best Practice. She loves her job’s ethical focus, but admits that its subjective nature can be challenging at times. She says: “As humans we aren’t meant to exist in isolation and thrive off communal experience. Well managed public spaces such as our precincts allow people to connect and engage as a community in a secure, clean and well-cared for space while simultaneously protecting investor interests.”

Melanie Rosettenstein, Communications, Urban MGT

Melanie is new to the world of precinct management having joined the Urban MGT team a week before the nationwide lockdown was announced. She oversees the communications function across the organisation’s seven precincts and her responsibilities include strategy development and execution, and ensuring effective and relevant communication across all platforms and channels. About her job she says: “I love the dynamic relationship between operations and communications. There’s always a good story to tell about what’s happening on the ground in our precincts.”

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