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Onsite security officers detect substation smoke incident in CIBE caused by stolen electric cables

On Monday 7th September, smoke was detected coming out of the Cornubia Wave electrical substation on Crassula Road in CIBE. Onsite security officers quickly alerted the fire and electrical departments and on inspection they found that cables had been stolen from the substation. The sub-station access from Crassula Road showed no sign of forced entry and the cables had been removed in a way that wouldnโ€™t ย interrupt the power supply. It was the electrical load increase that caused the smoke and drew attention to the cable theft. Itโ€™s difficult to pinpoint exactly when the cables were stolen but how the substations are locked and the manner in which the cables were cut, suggests that the culprit could be a trained electrician.

We urge all property and business owners to instruct their onsite security teams to be vigilant and cognisant of any electricians, including municipal contractors, working in the vicinity especially within sub-stations. Businesses should record the details of any contractors and their vehicles in efforts to prevent this type of crime being perpetrated again, or at least enable the tracking of potential culprits if it does.

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