Purpose and Function
The Cornubia Industrial and Business Estate Management Association (CIBEMA), is collectively responsible for managing public space on behalf of CIBE members/property owners, with the purpose of creating, enhancing, and protecting the value of property ownership and occupation within CIBE.
In addition to this, the Management Association (MA) also serves to:
- Advance and protect the interest of its members (owners of immovable property).
- Regulate the environment, with a focus on safeguarding and environmental management.
- Control and co-ordinate development through the Design Review Panel, with reference to aesthetic standards, design, contractor management and signage review.
- Provide, promote and maintain essential services, amenities and activities.
This is achieved through the protection, promotion and maintenance of essential services, amenities, and activities as well as the co-ordination of Estate development, which is funded through the property owner funded MA levy. Tenants, neighbouring communities, visitors to the area and a wide range of other stakeholders are also beneficiaries of the activities of the association.
While responsible for the management of the commercial and industrial precinct that is CIBE, the MA sees the estate as part of the larger Cornubia development and how important its success is not only for eThekwini but as a national test case for creating integrated and mixed-use nodes, that are commercially competitive and deliver on the socio-economic development imperative.