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Dropping the mask and welcoming the buzz of activity from around the globe

July is a milestone in our books. We can finally see the smiles of our friends and co-workers and loosen the grip of fear that held us during the two-year COVID-19 pandemic.

July also marks a year since the 2021 riots and looting. In the thick of it we could only see grey but now the smoke has settled, and repairs commenced, we start to see more and more businesses re-open in our various precincts and around the city.

In our previous issue we spoke to the opening of local and international events such as The Ballito Pro, East Coast Radio House and Garden Show at the Durban Exhibition Centre, The Durban July at Greyville Racecourse and the Comrades Marathon taking place in August this year. A sure sign that we are on the road to recovery.

Visitors from around the globe graced our shores to attend The Ballito Pro hosted earlier this month, spending their off time enjoying the sights and sounds of our region.  We are proud to say that our local heroes Jordy Smith (Durban) and Sarah Baum (Durban) put on a fine performance coming up against some fierce competition.  Our best local groms and pros took to the Ballito Bowl on Friday, 1 July in the hopes of taking the top spot at the Ballito Pro Skate Jam. Many tricks were displayed, and prizes were won, but in the end, it was Durban North’s Jamie de Villiers who took home the main prize in the Open Division.

The event was broadcast internationally via DSTV and streamed live, along with coverage across various stakeholder social media channels. This in addition to large scale coverage and support of other premier events in the province will certainly put KZN back on the map as a fantastic leisure, sport, and holiday destination.

Head of precinct communications Jade Harding summed up the July period: “In July alone our precincts had a combined increase of 242 social media followers with a notable amount of engagement on posts. The international exposure from these events is not only beneficial for the precinct where the event is hosted, but events such as these are key economic drivers for our province.”

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