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Back-to-basics for the CIBE MA

The CIBE MA team understands the importance of paying attention to the finer details when it comes to public space management. Over the past few weeks, our operational Cleaning, Greening, and Maintenance teams have been busy attending to a ‘back-to-basics’ drive in the precinct.

An in-depth audit of the precinct has been conducted, which identified shortfalls in routine maintenance, damaged public realm infrastructure, and a public realm facing private property defects. Interventions addressable by our Ops team have been earmarked for immediate resolution while large projects have either been reported to the Municipality or added to the UIP Special Projects schedule. The back-to-basics drive also aims to address maintenance backlogs leftover from the hard lockdown where the level of municipal service delivery reduced significantly.

“Focusing on the small details adds up to make a public space more appealing, safer and adds value to the experience of place. The back-to-basics campaign puts further emphasis on our commitment to doing this with a clear outline of tasks that will ensure nothing goes amiss and further enhances our precinct,” said Sihle Miya, CIBE Management Association precinct manager.

The CIBE MA team back-to-basics drive focused on:

  • Cleaning the precinct boundaries and other areas in the precinct where litter was piling up
  • Sweeping roads
  • Redefining tree rings
  • Filling vacant spaces in the gardens with new plants
  • Trimming sidewalks
  • Herbicide application
  • Cleaning, and clearing of stormwater inlets
  • Relocation of trees that were planted too close to each other to areas that need them

The process is ongoing and already making a massive difference in keeping Cornubia looking in ship shape. Well done team!

MAIN IMAGE – Boundary litter cleaning after grass cutting

IMAGE ABOVE: Cleaned inlets

IMAGE ABOVE:  Removal of various dumped items


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