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June recap: Enhancing CIBE with lush green spaces and new gardens

As we wrap up the month of June, we’re excited to share the latest updates on our cleaning, greening, and maintenance efforts within the Cornubia Industrial and Business Estate (CIBE). Our dedicated teams have been hard at work ensuring that our precinct remains clean, green, and inviting.

Cleaning and Greening: The precinct is looking exceptionally neat this month. All the verges have been cut, giving our open areas a well-manicured appearance. The recent rains provided a much-needed boost, leaving the verges lush and green. Our landscaping maintenance teams have been diligently working to keep everything in top shape, ensuring a vibrant and welcoming environment for everyone.

Garden Installations on Tottum Road: In addition to routine maintenance, our teams have been busy installing new gardens around the traffic circles on Tottum Road. These new installations are not only enhancing the aesthetic appeal of our precinct but also contributing to the overall sustainability of our landscaping efforts. The addition of these gardens is part of our ongoing commitment to creating beautiful and functional green spaces throughout CIBE.

Maintenance Highlights: Throughout June, we have undertaken various maintenance tasks to ensure the smooth functioning of our precinct. From cutting verges to installing gardens, our efforts are aimed at maintaining a pristine environment for all our stakeholders. Please see below for photos of the various maintenance work completed this month.

Our continuous efforts in cleaning, greening, and maintenance are aimed at making CIBE a more attractive and functional space for all. We appreciate the ongoing support and cooperation of our community members in these initiatives.

Stay tuned for more updates as we work towards enhancing the beauty and infrastructure of the Cornubia Industrial and Business Estate.

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    CIBE, cleaning, community updates, Cornubia, greening, landscaping, maintenance, property management, sustainable development
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