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Streetlight repairs progress in CIBE

Reliable infrastructure is essential for the smooth operation and safety of any precinct. Over the past few weeks, eThekwini Municipality has made consistent efforts to improve streetlight functionality within the Cornubia Industrial and Business Estate (CIBE). These efforts play a critical role in ensuring a safer and more secure environment for all businesses and visitors.

Steady Progress in Streetlight Repairs

Streetlight repairs have been a key focus, with a contractor present in the precinct at least once a week for the past six weeks. During this time, 14 streetlight fittings that were sent for repairs have been returned and successfully reinstalled on poles along Tottum Road by the eThekwini team. These repairs mark a significant step in addressing lighting issues in this area.

Current Operational Status

As a result of these efforts, 69% of the streetlights in the precinct are now operational. While there is still progress to be made, this improvement demonstrates the ongoing commitment of the Electrical Department to resolving outstanding issues.

The increased functionality of the precinct’s streetlights plays a critical role in improving safety and security, particularly during evening and nighttime hours. We remain in close communication with eThekwini Municipality to ensure that repairs continue until all streetlights are fully operational.

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